Custom Challenge Coin Bottle Openers
Bottle openers are simply a classic example of an early made machine. Using a lever and fulcrum, they pop the pleated cap off the bottle’s neck giving you access to that nectar of the gods, well mainly these days Beer!! You can be the star of the show when you pull out your Pitch and Rudder designed Custom Challenge Coin Bottle Opener. You’re already carrying a coin, why not kill two birds with one stone and make sure your coin has an awesome bottle opener designed into it.

Designing Custom Challenge Coin Bottle Openers
There are 3 ways to bridge the design on a bottle opener into a challenge coin, you can design it seamlessly into the design externally, externally and internally. Each has their place in the design process. Here at Pitch and Rudder we work really well seamlessly building your custom bottle opener into the design process so that it looks natural and not just slammed in there. Lets take a deeper look at these design process and see which one would be best for you.
Custom Challenge Coin bottle opener Internal design
This design is straight forward, we are going to lose some restate in the middle of the coin, where the bottle opener is going to be placed. They are extremely functional and very easy to use. Simply place the bottle cap into the hole and apply force and the bottle top is quickly release and pop off. A benefit to this styling of Challenge Coin Bottle opener is the ease of carry. There are really no sharp edges to get caught on your pockets. Here are a few examples of internal custom challenge coin bottle openers.

Custom Challenge Coin bottle opener External “not seamless” design
When designing a bottle opener into a challenge coin and not using the internal design process we use non-seamless path when we can’t incorporate the opener into the design in a manner that appears totally natural. This is our least favorite method of designing challenge coin bottle openers and as such out of the hundreds of bottle opener challenge coins we have designed we have only used this method three times. Once with a Spartan Helmet, a tribal Hawaiian challenge coin and lastly with an aircraft Radar Pod. Simply well, because there is no natural way to put a bottle opener naturally on a Radar pod. They are effective and work well.

Custom Challenge Coin bottle opener External “Seamlessly” Design
This is our favorite way to design challenge coin bottle openers because your designing a bottle opener into a custom coin in a way that hides its true intent. The bottle opener doesn’t stand out, but works just as well as a standard externally designed bottle opener just flows so much cleaner. Below are a few of our examples of these types of bottle openers. Yes, it is easier to make a claw of a Bird into a bottle opener than say a tire on a truck but we have also made a beak, a Fox tail, a fish hook and many more. The best part of these designs is that when your looking at the challenge coin, you wouldn’t know that they are in fact bottle openers as well.

Choosing the Right Custom Bottle Opener Design
Both internal and external bottle openers have different characteristics, here is the kicker though, they don’t cost any different to have made into the coin. You can get creative with the hole portion of the bottle opener, fitting it into different design elements to make it really pop, like the mouth of a Gator, or you can choose to go seamlessly and have know one, know that its even an bottle opener until you save the day and open everyone’s beer at the lake!
Personalized Unique Bottle Openers
While Pitch and Rudder is a Challenge Coins company, we specialize in making custom products. Not all of our products are challenge coins. We have several unique bottle openers in our store that we have developed in the past for clients and some that we have designed as semi-custom. If your looking for something more of a unique bottle opener, let our team of Active duty and Retired Military Service members create something amazing just for you. In the end its all about your connection to the product, be it a Custom Challenge Coin Bottle Opener or a simply a Unique Bottle opener we want you to be satisfied with the product you have in your hand.

Create your own Custom Bottle Opener
Pitch and Rudder is making strides everyday streamlining the custom process, if you can dream it we can build rational; with that in mind, the we offer Free Art, Revisions and Shipping on all Custom bottle openers, Custom Challenge Coin Bottle Openers on all orders. Let us show you what it’s like to be served be Veterans, we want to honor your project and in the heart of everything we are collectors and want to make sure that at the end of the day you have a piece worthy of any collectors collection! If your having trouble designing your Custom Challenge Coin Bottle Opener take a look at our articles on challenge coin design, 2d vs 3d and how to build a perfect project on a budget. Just remember we are here to help!
Making custom quality challenge coins and Military belt buckles are one of our specialties. If you’re interested in getting a designing a custom buckle or Quality Challenge coin for your Division, Command, or Mess we’ve streamlined the process, click the get started link at the bottom of the page and someone from our design team will be with you within 48 hours to bring your vision to life.
Terry is a 22-year Veteran of the United States Navy, a Retired Senior Chief and a loving husband with four children. With 5 years’ experience designing, manufacturing and marketing challenge coins under his belt, it’s easy to see how his experience could help other hone their craft
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