CMC Custom Belt Buckle!
Wear your CMC custom belt buckle with pride knowing we own all that the sun touches in the Office! Know that in your hands you have a product that’s designed by a team of Active Duty and Retired Senior Chiefs. We designed with you in mind!
- 3 inches in length
- 4mm Thick
- Web Buckle back
- Zinc Material
- Cast Molding
- 14 oz in weight
- Plated Gold and Silver
When we designed your CMC custom belt buckle, we wanted to make sure that did justice to your rate! We wanted to highlight the legacy that makes a CMC unique! Remember, not everyone can say “Strength to the Chain of Command” and be truthful! Pitch and Rudder are proud to honor your rates legacy and we feel that your CMC belt buckle hits so hard you’ll need to brace for impact!
Command Master Chief | CMDCM Information
A Command Master Chief is the most senior enlisted Sailor in a United States Navy unit. They advise their respective commander or CO and provide input in the formulation, implementation, and execution of policies concerning morale, welfare, job satisfaction, discipline, utilization, family support, and training of enlisted sailors, as well as providing input and advice in matters affecting mission and operations as required. In smaller units, this position may be filled by a command senior chief petty officer, a command chief petty officer, or a master chief petty officer who is not yet a command master chief. The rates force master chief petty officer (FORCM) and fleet master chief petty officer (FLTCM) are used for larger units such as U.S. Fleet Forces Command, Navy Expeditionary Combat Command, U.S. Pacific Fleet, and Submarine Force U.S. Atlantic Fleet. There are only four FLTCMs and 16 FORCMs in the U.S. Navy.[6]
First referenced in OPNAVINST 1306.2C dated 16 October 1995 (now 1036.2G), the Navy states that its command master chief program is ostensibly intended to stimulate free-flowing communications, and ensure the highest standards of professionalism are upheld at all levels within the chain of command. Command master chiefs strengthen the chain of command by keeping the commanding officer aware of existing or potential situations as well as procedures and practices which affect the mission, readiness, welfare and morale of the sailors in the command. CMDCMs are the senior enlisted leaders who report directly to the officer commanding the unit for which they are the CMDCM. They formulate and implement policies concerning morale, welfare, job satisfaction, discipline, utilization and training of Navy personnel. By reporting directly to their commanding officer, the CMDCMs keep their chain of command aware and informed of sensitive and current issues.
The Bureau of Personnel assigns a CMDCM to commands with 250 or more enlisted manpower. All carrier-based air wing squadrons, deployable helicopter anti-submarine warfare light, helicopter combat support, and maritime patrol squadrons will have a CMDCM requirement regardless of size due to the complexity of their operations. Those commands that do not have enlisted manpower of 250 assign a CMDCM from within command resources on a collateral duty basis.
In 2015, the U.S. Navy formally established the rating of command Senior Chief (CMDCS), before it was a billet.
Interested in learning more about Custom uniform belt buckles take a look at our article on what makes a perfect custom military belt buckle!
Pitch and Rudder Services
Making CMC custom belt buckles is one of our specialties. Our buckles are made using a die-cast zinc process which is much harder and longer lasting than pewter. Our buckles accommodate belts up to a 2.00-inch wide size. If your interested in getting a more Custom buckle for your Division, Command, or Mess we’ve streamlined the process, click the get started link at the bottom of the page and someone from our design team will be with you within 48 hours to bring your vision to life.